We are looking for Female Models between ages 5 to 14 who has a love for fashions and enjoys modeling. We will be selecting Models to display Designer Fashions in our upcoming children's fashion showcase in Jacksonville, FL(Jax Beach area). Models will display fashions in the showcase and a photoshoot.
Also we are seeking models for the front cover of our fashion magazine & Virtual Spring Fashion.
Models who participate will receive photos and footage of the shows. Not much experience needed. We prefer models to be a size Girls 5 to 14. Selected models need to be available on Sat, March 5th for audition/fitting, Sat, March 19th for Rehearsal and Sat, April 30th for the Fashion Show.
FOr more information or to register, send request to ABProductionsLive@gmail.com along with child's photo, full name, age, size and parents contact information.